How a Thunderstorm Changed My Outlook
We rushed home. It was Friday and I just wanted to relax. I unloaded the car and ushered the kids into their father's care. After flipping on the TV, I stared into the pantry to find what we would eat.
The weather man was talking. The regular programming was interrupted by a storm warning.
On and on the forecast continued. Town after town warned with the time the storm would bear down. Finally, our town was named. 30 minutes would elapse before it was our turn.
80 mile per hour winds. Baseball size hail. I started to get bit worried. I brought a few things into the house. My husband pulled all the cars into the garage.
I started to get even more worried. The kids were finishing their supper. I was ready to rush them downstairs to take cover.
We stood on the back deck and watched the rain and clouds roll across the fields. The rain started and we ran inside. Hail! We looked out the window and in about 60 seconds the wind died down and the hail stopped.
We turned to each other and exclaimed, "That was it?"Yep, we lucked out. The storm died out just as it reached us.
What is the lesson here? Sometimes, while we're waiting for a thing to occur we make it bigger and scarier in our head than it turns out to be.
I'm not discounting being prepared and taking action. But, imagine how much less stressed we would be if we didn't try to live the emotion of a situation in advance?
I'm going to try and keep that in mind more often.
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