Baby Shower Games
Peek A Boo Layout
Baby showers are a fun time for all. They are a time for family and friends to celebrate and honor the mother-to-be. Typically, the guests at a baby shower are a variety of close friends, acquaintances, and the families of both the mother and father, and it's unlikely that everyone knows each other. So a fun way to break the ice and get acquainted is to play a few games.
Play short, fun games
The games are short and fun to play. Everyone has a good time and gets to know each other a little. The winner of each game wins a prize. You can decide whatever type of prize you want to give out depending on what you think your guests would enjoy. You could give out candy, a small gift basket, candles, or evena bottle of wine.
Don't know any fun games to play at a baby shower? Here are a few suggestions.
Measuring Mommy
This is a fun game in which all the guests haveguess how big mommy's belly has gotten. Bring a long roll of string (toilet tissue works in a pinch too). Each guest estimates the size of the mother's belly and cuts a length of string based on their guess. After everyone has had a chance to guess, take turns wrapping the string around the mother's stomach. Whoever guessed the closest wins the prize!
Sing It, Baby
Have all the guests sit or stand in a big circle. Starting with the mom-to-be, each guest must sing a line or two from a song that has the word "baby" in it. If a guest can't think of one when their turn comes, they're "out". It's not as easy as it seems. Songs can't be repeated, and you'll be surprised how quickly people get eliminated. The last person left wins.
Who's who?
When you mail out the invitations, ask each guest to include a picture of themselves as a baby in their response. On the day of the shower, number each picture and display them in the room where everyone can see. Give each guess a piece of paper and let them guess who they think each baby picture is. Whoever gets the most right wins.
How Many Q-Tips?
Get a big jar and fill it with Q-Tips. Be sure tocount them as you put them in. Guests have to guess how many Q-Tipsare in the jar, and the one that comes closest wins!
Take lots of pictures
Most importantly, be sure to have your camera out and get pictures of everyone!
Happy baby shower planning.
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