Causes of Stress
Stress does not just crop up overnight. The causes of stress may not be apparent at first, but they may have been there for some time. If this applies to you, don’t ignore the signs of stress in your life anymore. Recognizing them is the first step to discovering the source.
Feeling cranky and tired is not always the fault of your menstrual cycle. These feelings can be the result of too much stress in your life. Not being able to fall asleep is a sign of stress as well. When it takes an hour or so to fall asleep, it’s time to look for a root cause.
Stress can cause troubles throughout the systems of the body. The digestive system can experience ulcers, bowel trouble, and lack of appetite. You can have an overactive bladder. Migraine headaches and colds result from negative stress. Stress literally makes you sick if it is not dealt with.
Find what is causing your stress
Start with your job. Are there pressures at work? Getting passed over for a promotion can make you resentful which can cause stress. Every time you walk into the office your stomach will be in knots when you think about it. Something as normal as asking for a raise can cause stress. You’ll worry about the outcome — whether you will get the raise or get fired for asking.
Work pressures don’t always stay at work. We tend to carry out unhappiness or frustrations home to our families. We keep an attitude all evening long because of something that started in the workplace.
Family situations can also be the root source of our stress. Kids can take us through a lot of stages, especially when they are toddlers, entering puberty, or becoming teenagers. Worrying about them when they are away from us takes plenty of energy.
Marital problems can lead to stress. When our spouses won’t help lighten the load at home, we feel taken for granted and resentful. Lack of communication on the part of both parties leaves hurt feelings unexpressed. Both partners feel cheated, and coming home creates stress.
There are triggers that can cause stress. Some of these triggers come from experiences in life. Having a spouse that drinks excessively can trigger memories of a father in childhood who did the same. Worrying about the similarities in the situations can cause stress. Illness in children can remind you of a bad childhood experience and cause fretting over the kids.
Take time for yourself
Are you taking care of yourself? Do you allow yourself time to participate in a hobby? I believe that mom's put themselves last and often we don't even realize it. It's especially easy to do when you have a baby to take care of. Months and weeks can go by in the same routine. That's why I advocate scrapbooking as a hobby. Your baby is incentive enough to have tons of photos to work with. Scrapbooking is a natural extension of your nurturing feelings.
Once you understand what is causing the stress, it is time to fix it. Before involving members of the family, try to deal with what is stressing you out. Talk to a friend to discover why the trigger gets you so wound up. If you are having difficulties discovering the triggers of your stress you may want to consider journaling. Grab an empty notebook and start writing. Don't think about if you are journaling right or wrong. Don't worry about creating some finished product. You can always go back through the journal later.
Next you can enlist the aid of your family. They may not realize that what they are doing or not doing is affecting you. A little communication can change the situation. This can work on the job as well. Talk to you boss and let them know your feelings in a non-threatening manner.
Stress is a part of life. To overcome it, it is important to know what is causing it. Take a look at all areas of your life to find a solution.
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